

Soongsil University

Soongsil University is a private university located in Seoul, Korea. Since its establishment in 1897 in Pyeongyang by an American missionary, Dr. William M. Baird (1862-1931), Soongsil University has played a leading role in the Korean national movement while also serving as a pioneer in the specialization and diversification of Korean education.

Throughout Soongsil University's over one hundred and twenty year history, it has endeavored to preserve its founding philosophy of ‘Truth and Service.’ A philosophy derived indirectly from its name; Soong (崇), roughly meaning revering God with Sil(實), truth and integrity. Starting from its roots in Dr. Baird’s residence, Soongsil University strives to make every effort to provide quality education and services to its students, focusing specifically on cultivating global leaders and competent professionals who can lead Korea into the twenty-first century. It is under this guiding principle that Soongsil's tradition is cemented.

Quick Facts

  • Founded1897
  • International Student2,000
  • Student Enrollment Undergraduate14,000
  • LocationSeoul, Korea
  • Graduate3,000 Students,
    4 Colleges
    55 Departments
  • School Motto Truth and Service